Odoo ERP system is enterprise resource planning software used company-wide for the management of business processes. Odoo provides seamlessly integrated functional business apps called Odoo apps that form an ERP solution when combined.

Restaurant                                                Management

This system is a type of point-of-sale (POS) software specifically designed for restaurants, bars, food trucks and others in the food industry. 

Appointment            Management

A solution designed to manage appointments for service providing businesses.

Inventory                            Management

Provides seamless processing of a business's products within its supply chain

Enterprise Resource Planning               

This is used to manage daily affairs of the business by providing a solution which can enable flow within the business processes.

                    Hotel Management

                                     This system is a set of hotel software solutions designed          for businesses within the hotelier industry.

            Point of Sale

                   This system allows for the processing of sale transactions 

                  Customer Relations Management

                                                    Software designed to manage customer                                       relations by tracking communication with customers. 

Website & E-commerce

Allows for businesses to become more popular on the online market as well as providing means for online transactions.