Information is the lifeblood of medicine and health information technology is destined to be the circulatory system for that information.

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Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Open Solutions For Health (OS4H) is an Integrated Systems for Health collaborator and Implementer. OS4H specialize in providing enterprise support for free and open-source systems (FOSS) as a cost mitigating strategy to meet the financial constraints to our clients while delivering robust solutions. We customize Small, Mid-range and Large open source health applications for Ministries of Health, Medical councils, Medical doctor practice’s, Health groups and Hospitals within the Caribbean market.

With over 15+ years of combined experience in Health IT services, OS4H provides enterprise level Open Solutions for public and private sectors such as Primary Health Care, General Practitioners and Private Specialists.

Our solutions are efficient due to the elimination of paper reporting and harnessing the true potential of real-time data, sustainable as they are designed for the challenges of a resource constrained environment and secure via layers of security to ensure data confidentiality and integrity maintained by qualified experts. Having us as your partner will be highly beneficial to your data management efforts. We are committed to providing sustainable solutions that will strengthen management operations.

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